
Timeless Elegance

Principles of Priceless Gemstones

Combination of words such as scarcity, demand and supply creates an effect on our everyday word ‘PRICE’

When a gem is to be purchased one must consider factors which includes color, intensity, tone, transparency, clarity or flawlessness, proportions, cutting standards, polishing and of course the weight.


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Let us bring in the treasures of Ceylon  , the blue sapphires, ranging from the best cornflower blue to light blue. The term ‘cornflower blue’ is the most desirable and the most finest color of the blue sapphires similar to the shades of cornflower.

Furthermore this cornflower blue can be divided into a high type, medium and a low type.

Hence the price of a high type cornflower blue is almost incomparable with the low type lighter shades.

 Cornflower Blue sapphires, considered to be a pride of the Corundum family, are Sri Lanka’s best buy

The valuation Star sapphires and star rubies found in innumerable grades and qualities depending on two factors; the appearance of the star and the background color.

Amongst these types stars visible under ordinary light and the background color being deep blue or deep red ,in the case of blue sapphires and rubies respectively, command the highest price and are considered to be the best.


Chrysoberyl Cat’s Eye which comes in exquisite shades of honey, apple green, dark grey and brownish grey,

Chrysoberyl cats eye showcasing its chatoyant effect. It’s the clearness of its streak which decides its fate.

Rarity, proportions and weight

Unraveling the gem gravels of Sri Lanka, amidst the various gemstones found here, Alexandrite is quite rare.

The scarcity of this variety together with its fascinating color change are factors destining its value

These stones have fetched much higher prices than paid for blue sapphires and rubies in some cases

Poor type stones showing only a faint color change also fetch higher prices.the middle stone has a better color change than the other two nevertheless the price difference between low quality stones are quite insignificant.

Alexandrite are often available in mix cuts , its rarity contributes to its cutting minimizing weight losses

These are cut in various shapes to minimize the loss of weight.

The round cuts seen in the first category have at most a 60 percent weight loss whereas the cushion cuts have relatively lower losses.

There you have it! some of the principles behind what makes gemstones valuable.


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