
Timeless Elegance


Fimbulvetr is the harsh winter that precedes the end of the world and puts an end to all life on Earth. Fimbulvetr is three successive winters, when snow comes in from all directions, without any intervening summer…

Fimbulvetr has arrived.

The lone wolf rides on and looks upon the citadel down below.

Its a matter of time for Ragnarok to arrive.

Is this really the fall of the world?

Or is it the time for the strongest to rise and take charge.

To grow, prepare, preserve.

Within the ice, there is a fire, glistening.

Icy cold yet burning to the touch.

The blue eyed wolf stares ahead.

To protect his pack, he cannot back down

And a little courage goes a long way…

Try out our expression of Fimbulvetr…